Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Pokemon love

So if you're anything like me you grew up with pokemon.  The comics that come out recently crack me up!!   Here's an epic story for you, completely true.

I liked this girl in 5th grade elementary.  Red version had just come out and I was reading the booklet in class, and I asked her what her favorite pokemon was.  She looked through the booklet and settled on Eevee.  So I caught one in game and named it after her and kept it in my party!
 One day I finally asked her out, and I got shot down pretty harsh.  I think there was laughter.  I went home and used a firestone to evolve my eevee into a flareon, to symbolize the way she burnt my love. . .
Then I drop that pokemon on Prof. Oak like a boss and went on with my pokemon life.


  1. Hahaha the first one made me LOL

  2. Haha, you are a funny guy. You must be around the same age as me cause Pokemon came about about 3rd grade. NOSTALGIA

  3. Wow, these were all pretty damn funny.

  4. nostalgia like none other

  5. Nice comincs,. always love a good pokemon comic.

  6. that's a sad story. good thing you got out like a boss. :)

  7. Pokemon = best thing ever known to man kind. It's that simple.

  8. poekemon rules forever!!!! i love the story!

  9. Wow, the comics were pretty funny! You story was a little weird though... Thanks for sharing!

  10. There was girl in my elementary school who I thought was a boy for probably a year. She totally could have been a Pokemon trainer. Her name is probably Steve now...

    ~H. Coct

  11. That Ghastly one made me lol, nice.
